Literacy is the
foundation of all learning

86% of ten year olds in Sub Saharan Africa suffer from learning poverty, they are unable to read and understand a single story.
(UNICEF 2022)

The literacy multiplier effect

Learning to read is only one part of helping a child thrive, but it is perhaps the most important.

Because the simple act of learning to read has a knock-on effect on so many other things.

When we invest in literacy, we unlock so much more.
And for many years to come.

Educational impact

Children are more likely to do better and stay longer in school

Financial impact

Children that can read have 10% greater earning potential across their lives

Health impact

A girl child that can read has two children; one that can’t has five...

It’s this multiplier effect that inspires us as a foundation.

We see that when we help a child to read, they gain a key to freedom that goes far beyond the letters on a page.

Watch this TED Talk to understand the magnitude of the literacy problem.

In his talk, John Trischitti paints a stark picture. “One billion people are illiterate - if this was a health issue, it would be deemed an epidemic.”. But he also brings to life how, with international focus on literacy, we can create significant change for the next generation.